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Year of Composition: 2011
First Performance: Festival next_generation 4.0, ZKM Karlsruhe, 16th June, 2011.
Orchestration: Tape (16 virtual channels)
Duration: ~ 6'

After I first heard the beginning of Merzbow's 'Minus Zero', I spent a long time trying to reproduce the harsh noise that starts that piece. This exercise gave me the first idea for 60.

I used two different synthesis techniques in this piece. For additive synthesis, I created sounds consisting of hundreds of slowly-changing sinusoids. The chaotic synthesis — a method developed by myself — is based on the Chirikov Standard Map, a one-parameter discrete dynamic system whose behaviour — chaotic or integrable — is based on the fine-tuning of that parameter. The piece consists of three main parts and a coda, where the techniques and motives presented in the first two parts are mixed and cross-processed in the last parts. The sounds are moving on the surface of an imaginary hemisphere.